Fiddleback Custom Color Series Colors
Color #105 (Red Oak)
In the Dark Brown/Black color family. Wire brushed for additional texture, side sprayed black to help with normal seasonal contraction. Actual samples have a soft color play with the wood like a hand stained floor. Finished with Bona Naturale® to give it that Satin/Matte almost no finish/natural look.

Color #106 (Hickory)
A taupe base with white and gray give a huge design range. Pretreatments highlight the wood's natural variations. Finished with Bona Naturale™ to give it that Satin/Matte almost no finish/natural look. It is a color that a picture cannot do justice.

Color #111 (Walnut)
Walnut in a Gray/Blue with texture. Finished with Bona Naturale™ to give it that Satin/Matte almost no finish/natural look. The soft grain pattern and elegance of Walnut to fit a less traditional style. For those looking for traditional Walnut - just ask for our Color #000 Walnut.

Color #159 (White Oak)
White Oak Natural with the durability of the new Bona Traffic® Ultra Matte finish. This color answers the demand for White Oak and the look of having almost no finish on the wood. Get the look and easy UV care finish with Traffic® Ultra Matte and you can forget the maintenance headache of oil finishes.

Color #172 (Walnut)
Subtly colored Walnut with the durability of the new Bona Traffic® Ultra Matte finish. This is Walnut with the look of having almost no finish on the wood. Get the oil look and easy UV care finish, but with Traffic® Ultra Matte you can forget the maintenance headache of oil finishes.

Standard Colors (shown on Red Oak)
The most popular colors shown on Red Oak. We can run these colors as shown or consider them a starting idea for where you'd like to begin with a color direction.
Pick the color and pick the Bona High Durability UV Finish®; either Bona Traffic®, Bona Naturale™, or, Bona Traffic® Ultra Matte. These colors work well with Bona DriFast® field stains so that the flooring professional can do the trim work, stairs, etc, with minimal fuss.
Warm Ambers

Spice Brown


Medium Brown





Browns and Auburns

Red Mahogany

Early American



Antique Brown

Special Walnut
Saturated Reds, Browns,Grays and Black



Sedona Red




Aged Pewter
Light colors, warm whites

Golden Oak

Puritan Pine



Sand Dune
