Fiddleback Standard Color Series
(shown on Red Oak)
The most popular colors. We can run these colors as shown or consider them a starting idea for where you'd like to begin with a color direction.
Pick the color and pick the Bona High Durability UV Finish®; either Bona Traffic®, Bona Naturale™, or, Bona Traffic® Ultra Matte. These colors work well with Bona DriFast® field stains so that the flooring professional can do the trim work, stairs, etc, with minimal fuss.
Warm Ambers

Spice Brown


Medium Brown





Browns and Auburns

Red Mahogany

Early American



Antique Brown

Special Walnut
Saturated Reds, Browns,Grays and Black



Sedona Red




Aged Pewter
Light colors, warm whites

Golden Oak

Puritan Pine



Sand Dune

Fiddleback's simple proposition - color driven, no drops, any construction/platform - even applies to the trade's well-known colors.
1 - Pick a color and finish sheen in Bona Traffic® or Bona Naturale®.
2 - Tell us the species and platform you want it on; solid, engineered, thick, thin, wide, narrow.
3 - We make it.
- It's an easy transition to use Bona DriFast® stains for the trim and stair work including blends of the shown colors if you have a favorite.
- We offer Ultra Matte, Matte, Satin, Semi-Gloss or Gloss finish sheens.
- The Standard Colors are part of the larger Fiddleback Color Series that can be found here.
- Like the job site finishes these finishes and stains come with Bona’s Lifetime Support:
Bona Professional Lifetime Support
Call us with any questions - this program is not the usual out-of-the-box offering of SKUs as part of a “collection”.
Dealer Staining Notes:
1. These colors are sanded at 120 grit and on Northern or Appalachian Oak. If you are doing trim or stairs on site and sand differently or your lumber source is different you will have to adjust the Bona DriFast® Stain until it compliments the floor color.
2. For job-site color matching, be careful not to rub too hard with a rag. Rubbing too hard will darken the springwood more and lessen the stain on the summerwood.
3. Changing the species changes the color appearance. If you want that specific color on another species, please call - we’ll do it custom.
4. Changing the woodcut changes the appearance, but not the tone. If you are using quarter sawn, peeled, etc, ask for a sample first.
5. Bona High Durability Finishes® are “downstream compatible” - the Bona Traffic® and Bona Traffic Naturale™ we use can be treated just like the Bona® job site finishes regarding maintenance and recoatability.